Title I

Title I provides financial assistance to districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Federal funds are currently allocated through formulas that are based primarily on census poverty estimates and the cost of education in each state. In Braintree, both Ross and Morrison Elementary Schools receive funds to support a school wide program with resources dedicated to support all students with assistance in reading and/or math. Please contact John Riordan at Morrison or Jennifer Fay at Ross if you have questions regarding Title l.

School-wide Program

The expanded supports in Title I significantly increase the opportunities for schools, districts, and states to raise the achievement of all students, but particularly those who are the intended beneficiaries of Title l. The flexibility to consolidate funds and programs allows schools to focus on improving the achievement of those who most need support. By allowing schools to integrate programs, strategies, and resources, Title I can become the catalyst for comprehensive reform of the entire instructional program the students in these schools receive.

Family Involvement Policy

In Braintree, we believe that active involvement of families in their child's education is essential to success in school. Strong home-school partnerships benefit children, families, teachers and the entire community.

Our focus on family involvement has two objectives: We wish to help families provide assistance to their children, and we also require the feedback and input of families as we evaluate our current services and design future programs. Title I endeavors to develop a dynamic relationship where we both assist and are assisted by the home.

We recognize our responsibility in forming and encouraging these close home/school partnerships. Title I staff will provide clear and strong leadership in the development of opportunities for family involvement. This starts with the development and maintenance of strong communication between home and school. We welcome and encourage family feedback and we will demonstrate ways families can help their children achieve high academic standards. Finally, we will encourage families to participate in the evaluation and decision-making associated with the Title I program.

In addition, under ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) there is a focus on building the capacity of districts to help ensure that all students have equitable access to high quality educational experiences.

What Families Will Do

  • Make sure my child attends school every day, except in the case of illness

  • Ask my child about school every day

  • Check my child's homework assignment notebook every day

  • Remind my child that success in school is important

  • Stay informed about my child's education by communicating frequently with school and teachers and reading all notices

  • Ask about ways we can help our child in school

  • Provide a quiet place and regular time for homework

  • Read to my child every day

  • Attend school and district meetings as much as possible

What Students Will Do

  • Always do my best work

  • Complete my homework and bring it back to school

  • Read 15 minutes each night

  • Ask for help when I need it

  • Make sure all notices are given to my family every day

What the School Will Do

  • Provide a quality education to all students (This education is based upon the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks)

  • Provide additional help in math and language arts to ensure proficiency

  • Be aware of each child's learning style

  • Provide educational experiences in which the students are active participants in their learning

  • Communicate frequently with home

  • Hold family conferences

  • Provide progress reports


Contact Us

Nora Vernazza
Assistant Superintendent

Ann Zopatti
Administrative Assistant

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Title I School-Home Compact

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“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

— Albert Einstein