Special Services

The Braintree Special Services Department is committed to providing all students with disabilities an outstanding education to meet their academic and social needs and to maximize their individual education potential. Deliberately planned around our District Core Values and mission statement, learning opportunities are designed to meet students’ unique needs in the least restrictive environment.


Since excellence in instruction and student achievement is our primary objective, we are committed to the following beliefs:

  • Students should acquire a rigorous core of knowledge in an environment that promotes higher level thinking skills across the curriculum by thinking critically and creatively, and making wise judgments.

  • All students can achieve academic proficiency and strive for excellence.

  • All students possess unique talents and gifts and should be encouraged to reach their maximum individual potential.

  • Students should be able to collaborate and communicate effectively through reading, writing, speaking, computing, the arts, and technology.

  • Students should acquire the knowledge, skills, and motivation necessary to achieve and maintain optimum health and lifelong fitness.

  • Students should develop a sense of self-discipline, self-respect, and self-reliance and demonstrate social, civic and environmental responsibility.

  • Students should acquire skills to adapt to an evolving and technologically advancing society.

  • Students should understand, respect, and appreciate the racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of our society and the democratic principles upon which this nation was built.

  • A safe and orderly environment, free of prejudice, drugs, violence, bullying, hazing and harassment of any kind is essential to promote student learning.

  • Ongoing opportunities for the professional growth and development of staff are essential for improving teaching and learning.

  • Parents, guardians, and caregivers, in partnership with schools, are an integral part of their child’s learning.

  • Community involvement should be actively solicited, encouraged and developed.


The Braintree Special Services Department is committed to providing all students with disabilities an outstanding education to meet their academic and social needs and to maximize their individual education potential. Deliberately planned around our District Core Values and mission statement, learning opportunities are designed to meet students’ unique needs in the least restrictive environment.


Contact Us

Petra W. Platt, EdD
Director of Special Services
781-848-4000 x7622

Milo Wolfrun
Assistant Director of Special Services - Elementary
781-848-4000 x6632

Michael Bochman
Assistant Director of Special Services - Secondary
781-848-4000 x7623

Noreen Devlin
Administrative Assistant
781-848-4000 x7610

Elizabeth Smyth
Administrative Assistant
781-848-4000 x7611

Quick Links

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During the week of January 9, 2023 the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring (PSM) will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of Braintree Public Schools. The Office of Public School Monitoring reviews each district and charter school every three years to monitor compliance with federal and state special education and civil rights regulations. Areas of review related to special education include student assessments, determination of eligibility, the Individualized Education Program (IEP), Team process, and IEP development and implementation. Areas of review related to civil rights include bullying, student discipline, physical restraint, and equal access to school programs for all students.

Parent outreach is an important part of the review process. Prior to the review, the chairperson from the Office of Public School Monitoring will send an online survey to all parents of students with disabilities receiving services. The survey focuses on key areas of their child’s special education program. Survey results will contribute to the activities of the onsite review and the development of the final report.

The chairperson will also conduct a Parent Orientation meeting to explain the review process and provide parents with an opportunity to ask questions. The Parent Orientation will be held during the Braintree Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) Meeting on November 9, 2022 at 6:30 PM, which will be held in-person at the Thayer Public Library as well as on the Zoom offered by the Braintree SEPAC. The meeting link is: November 9th SEPAC Meeting Zoom Link

During the onsite review, the Office of Public School Monitoring will interview the chairperson(s) of the district’s Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). Other onsite activities may include interviews of district staff and administrators, reviews of student records, and onsite observations. After the conclusion of the review, the public will be able to access the report at http://www.doe.mass.edu/psm/tfm/reports.

Parents and other individuals may call Julie Evans, Public School Monitoring Chairperson, at (781) 338- 3754 to request additional information, or contact Petra Platt, the district coordinator, at (781)-848-4000 x7622.

student with headphones

“Learning is never cumulative, it is a movement of knowing which has no beginning and no end.”

— Bruce Lee