Aspen - Student Information System (SIS)

Aspen - Student Information System (SIS)


Aspen is a Student Information Management System created by Follett Software. Braintree Public Schools uses Aspen to manage student information including grading, scheduling, and attendance. Parents can log into Aspen to view information about their children.

Aspen FAQ’s

+ What should I do if I forgot my password?

Please click on forgot password, enter your username, email and answer security questions to have a password emailed to you, or, email Aspen support for Braintree High School or email Aspen support for middle schools.

+ What should I do if my user name and/or password aren’t working?

Please email Aspen support for Braintree High School or email Aspen support for middle schools with:

  1. Your name
  2. Your child’s name
  3. His/her school
  4. His/her homeroom number
  5. His/her house number for BHS
  6. A brief description of the problem you are having.

+ How do I set up my computer to access Aspen?

Aspen may be accessed with any internet-connected computer but you must allow “pop-ups.”

+ I have not received a username and password - how can I get one?

Initial usernames and passwords were set via a letter or email at the time of registration. If you did not receive this letter, you can email Aspen support for Braintree High School or email Aspen support for middle schools to request a new username and password. Please be sure to include your child's name as well as your name in your request.

+ How do I access my student's grading info?

Grade information in Aspen can be found under the Academics tab. Click on a class, then on the Assignments side tab for more details. Information, including individual assignments and averages, will fluctuate as the teacher enters information.

+ How do I sign up for attendance and grade notification emails in Aspen?

Parents and students can receive email notifications for attendance and grade entries in Aspen. The system allows you to subscribe to these notifications. They are not sent until you subscribe to them. Messages are only sent if you subscribe and if an attendance or grade event as described below has been entered that day.

  • Attendance: This subscription notifies you of any attendance entry for your student.
  • Grades: This subscription notifies you when any assignment grades below a specified threshold are entered for your student. Grades are scaled as a % from 0 to 100. If your student receives a class assignment or test grade that is below the specified threshold, a notification will be sent to your email address. The threshold should be a number from 0 to 100. For example, an entry of 75 would trigger a notification for any grade entered that scaled below 75%.

Sign Up for Email Notifications

  • Log into your Parent or Student Aspen Account.
  • Click on Set Preferences in the upper right.
  • Click on the Security Tab.
  • Enter your email address in the Primary Email Address field. (you may also enter a second address in the Alternate Email Address field)
  • Click OK to close the Preferences window.
  • Parent Account users should then click on the Family tab at the top, then click on their child's name. Student Account users should click on the My Info Tab at the top.
  • Click on the Notification side tab.
  • Check off the Notification(s) you want to enable.
  • Enter a grade threshold if you are activating the grade notification.

Please note that parents with multiple children need to activate these notifications for each of their children. The grade notifications only apply to assignment grades on the Academics Tab for students in grades 6-12. Transcript grades posted at the end of each quarter do not trigger these notifications.

laptop and phone on desk

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

— Bill Gates