Nursing - State Mandated Exams & Screenings


Physical Exams

Physical examinations by the student’s own physician are required upon entering Preschool, Kindergarten, and grades 4, 7 and 10. 

MIAA Sports Physicals

MIAA rules clearly state that any student who wishes to try out, practice or play a sport is required to have a current (within twelve months) physical exam on file in the nurses office before being allowed to try out or practice. If the physical exam expires during a sports season, the student must have a new physical on file prior to the expiration date of the previous physical or will be unable to play. Please plan ahead.


  • Hearing - K-3, grade 7 & 10

  • Vision - Preschool, K-5, grade 7 & 10

  • Height, Weight, BMI - Grades 1, 4, 7, 10

  • Postural (scoliosis) - Grades 5-9

  • SBIRT – Grade 7-9

All screenings are preformed in accordance with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts regulations. Students may also be screened at any time during the year at a teacher or parent’s request. If screening results indicate the need for follow-up care by a physician, parents/guardian will be notified in writing.


All students must present evidence of immunizations in compliance with the requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 15, which specifically prohibits admitting a student to school without a physician verifying that religious or medical exemptions apply. Medical and Religious exemptions must be submitted to the Health Office annually. Children need to be immunized against Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus, Measles/Mumps/ Rubella, Polio, Hepatitis B, Varicella and Haemophilus Influenzae type B (HIB-Preschool requirement only).  Children who are not fully immunized against these preventable illnesses are not allowed to attend school.

By Two Years By Kindergarten By 7th Grade
3 doses of Hep B 3 doses of Hep B 3 doses of Hep B
4 doses of DTaP 5 doses of DTaP 1 dose of Tdap
3 doses of Polio 4 doses of Polio 3 doses of Polio
3 or more doses of Hibn 2 doses of MMR 2 doses of MMR
1 dose of MMR 2 doses of Varicella 2 doses of Varicella
1 dose of Varicella
  • DTaP = Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis                                          

  • Hib = Haemophilus influenzae  type b                                              

  • MMR = Measles, Mumps & Rubella

For more information, contact your health care provider or
the MDPH Immunization Program (617-983-6800 or 888-658-2850,

Communicable Disease Control

In order to insure adherence to Massachusetts immunization requirements, monitoring of infections and other diseases are important functions of the school nurse.  The nurse works with parents, administrators, school staff, primary care providers, local and regional Boards of Health, school physician and others to maintain a healthy school environment.  Upon recommendation to administration, students may be excluded from school if immunizations are not up to date or if a student has a communicable disease such as chicken pox, pertussis, scabies or conjunctivitis.